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Krista stewart

Genuine gifted abilities Psychic KRISTA can tell you everything you need to know!

Krista Stewart is America’s Foremost Psychic Medium. Considered to be a Master Psychic Medium, her rare psychic gifts make her readings highly accurate and very powerful.

Below you will find interesting information that helps to explain to the spiritual mind why Krista is America’s Foremost Psychic Medium.

This whole website has been infused with healing energy. So take a deep breath now and relax as you read on…

What’s a reading like?

During your reading, Krista will give you psychic insights about yourself, your life or the people around you. You are invited to ask any questions you may have during your reading, although it is not uncommon for Krista to answer your questions before you even ask them.

Your reading with Krista is going to be a very positive, empowering and uplifting experience. Unlike many psychics out their today, Krista will not tell you something just because that’s what you want to hear! She will always tell you the truth about what she sees. But she will always be gentle, respectful and kind as she shares her psychic insights with you. She will never treat you in a rude manner or answer your questions in a cold, calloused or uncaring way.

After your reading, you will know exactly what you need to do as well as what your next steps should be.

Krista Stewart is also a Spiritual Healer, so after your reading, it is not uncommon to feel like you have been spiritually healed and cleansed.

About Your Reading
Krista Stewart works with over 100 different Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels! When your reading begins, she will silently call out to the Guides and Angels she works the closest with.

She will invoke the help of her Egyptian Ascended Master Guide Macar, the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, her Chinese Master Teacher Sei Fu Jong, her Cherokee Indian Guide Chief White Buffalo and her Joy Guide Perky for their spiritual guidance, insights and assistance.

With the help and assistance of her highly and spiritually evolved Guides and Angels, she will then astrally travel to the higher spiritual realms and view your Akashic Records and/or the Akashic Records of someone you want to know about.

Akashic Records are ethereal records that exist in the spiritual realms. These records contain within them all information concerning your actions and deeds in this lifetime along with all of your past lifetimes. This information is permanently recorded in these ethereal records.

She will use her psychic powers to “tune-in” to your past, present and future as she proceeds to answer your questions and tell you every important detail that you desire to know.

She can even look into your soul and help you to see what is troubling you and then direct you to where your life needs healing the most.

The Benefits That Can Be Gained From a Reading

Here are some of the many ways that a reading can benefit your life:

  • Help you to find your true soulmate
  • Make sure that you are on the “right track”
  • Know beforehand what decisions or actions others might make
  • Stay ahead of any unforeseen health issues* (Always consult with a Physician)
  • Choose the best path available for your life
  • Find out your life’s purpose and what you are best suited to do
  • Lessen the emotional impact of unexpected or unpleasant upcoming events

Krista can cover all areas of your life from love, relationships, career, money, health and even financial investments. Krista can also answer questions concerning your family, loved ones and friends.

Make sure that you write ALL of your questions out on paper so that you can receive the fullest benefits from your reading.

Krista does not want to tell what to do or how to live your life. She believes that you have a god-given free will and therefore have the choices to make whatever you desire happen.

A reading is like a roadmap or an outline of which directions are available for you in this lifetime.
Although you are always the one who will choose the paths which might suite you the best, a reading will help shine the light ahead, helping you avoid any upcoming obstacles, road bumps or unexpected events along the way.
A reading will help you to be able to see around the corners of your life before you get there, avoiding any unforeseen emotional or physical accidents.

How Can She Do A Reading by Online?

Krista does not use Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls or read the palms of your hand. Krista is a Psychic Medium, which means that she works with Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels. Guides and Angels are made up of energy. Since energy isn’t separated by time, distance or space, she can communicate with her Guides and Angels no matter where you are!
Remember, Krista gets her psychic information from his Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels. So she does not need you to be physically present at all. Therefore, you can be anywhere in the world and receive a highly accurate reading.

Many of Krista’s clients not only consider her to be their personal psychic, they also consider her to be their personal friend.

Do I Need to Prepare For My Reading?
Before your reading, you should take a few moments to meditate and think of any questions that you would like to ask Tana and then write them down. After you have written them down, fold the paper into a small square and hold it between your palms.

Now, mentally bless your questions and ask the Universe to make you an open channel during your reading, and to be able to receive the highest information from your reading that you need.
Place your folded questions in a safe place and DO NOT unfold the paper until your reading with Krista. This will keep your questions infused with Universal love and light.

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