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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Relationship counseling. Understand the keys to happiness in marriage! Let me empower you to succeed in your Marital Life ..

I have sat for seven years at the feet of the top Masters in Kaballah, drinking from their well-springs of The Infinite Wisdom. I have worked in conjunction with other authors on the revision and publication of Classical works in the field of Kaballah, and for several years have advised and helped others with the wisdom at our disposal.


Relationship counseling...Understand the keys to happiness in marriage! LightSoul is available to empower you to succeed in your Marital Life ..

With access to the secrets of soul-reincarnation, the dynamics of the Soul, its' Spiritual links and aspirations, we may be able to help with Life's challenges, providing direction and knowledge of one's own unique purpose. We may tap on the age-old wisdom of numerology, a science of the hidden numerical secrets hidden in each person's name.

A woman wants to feel that her mate is her best friend, a father, a mother, and a confidant all rolled into one. She needs the security that she'll be loved and accepted no matter what she does. She feels calm in knowing that even if she makes a mistake, he won't criticize her. She certainly doesn't need the type of husband that acts like the state's witness – when she tells him her troubles, he points an accusing finger at her, blames her, and belittles her. Soon, she won't share her thoughts with him and their lines of communication will be severed; he can only blame himself for the subsequent crisis that will surely arise. Caution – as long as a wife seeks the ear of a girlfriend, it's a warning sign that she can't pour her heart out to her husband. As long as she needs the constant backing and encouragement of her parents, it's a warning sign that she doesn't get enough love and support from her husband. As long as she spends hours on the telephone, it's a warning sign that she lacks an attentive and receptive ear from her husband.
Thank you a million, SH. You have been a tremendous help to me, Thank you again for your wisdom and insight. Thanks a lot for the wonderful comfort. You have no idea. How much blessing I am sending your way!! WHoever you are, S.H., you are just such a blessing I can't begin to say, you gave me the courage I needed to try to solve this.

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