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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Best Life Expert

Want to know about your stars... Want to know what and where they get balanced and imbalanced allow me to guide you towards the path of success...

Life...sounds corny and a cliche' but it's true. Life has given me more lessons then any classroom could. My degree will be awarded with assimilation to a higher level.

The message that seems to resonate for all involved is self-empowerment. It doesn't seem too complex or complicated. One's ability to look up from the depths of despair and realize, "Hey I'm still here!" What I would like to see is for you to not only realize you’re here but assimilate the situation that brought you here. What did you learn? What did you teach?
 Most importantly, what life lessons are you taking from the situation? How are you going to incorporate those lessons into the fabric of your life? There are very basic ideals that are the core of each individual. Each person's core differs from the next. What is important to you? What never changes regardless of where you are in your life or who you are with?
 If those core beliefs have not been established you will find you are in a stagnate state of ungrowth. Stuck in the same cycle over and over again until you finally hit yourself on top of the forehead and say, "Oh now I get it!" You then move to the next level of your spiritual growth. If you do not get it? Well, sad to say the possibility is strong that you will go spiraling downward, losing what you have already assimilated. Spirituality, religion, self awareness, belief in higher power, or no belief at all in such a power; yet again all these ideas are individual.
 Every person has a right in their own enlightenment to believe what they want to believe. This does not mean that you'll always agree with others around you. I personally do not like to judge others on their beliefs, in return I ask not to be judged on mine. 

It's mine. I don't have to share it. I don't have to justify it to anyone else. For me, religion should be open and free with no restrictions. Accommodating the differences in people, such as life style, love, relationships, family, career etc. Respect others, and value their own personal awareness. How could you not? It is based on their life experiences, not yours.

Who I am is not much different then you. I have a family, I work, I have my ups and my downs. I am far from perfect. I am not putting myself in front of you saying "Look at me I am special, come follow me." In fact my goal is very opposite, I would like to stand beside you walking with you along your journey to self-awareness. 
What I hope is to eventually follow behind you, as you travel your own path of development. I want to empower you. I want you to empower yourself.
 Teaching you the tools you'll need to look at your life and make the changes yourself. I'm sure in one way or another you all have heard this: "Give a hungry man/woman a fish, and they'll eat for that day. Show them how to fish, and they will eat for a lifetime."

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