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Get inside their heads and get the TRUTH! Descriptive information regarding future events with helpful advice and PROVEN ACCURACY. FAST Typist! FREE Follow-Up!

I do not use the Tarot as a fortune telling platform but rather a moment for introspection and an opportunity to tap into unconscious energy and communicating with one's Higher Self. By using the images on the cards and my God given intuition to interpret the images ..I can help you succeed in understanding what is happening around you and why.

Your energy sets the tone for your reading, so please, try to take a few moments to settle your mind and emotions before your session. The future is fluid and changeable by you, your beliefs, and where you direct your thoughts and emotions. Before you enter session with me you must first know I am not here to solve your problems FOR you nor sugar-coat your answers. I believe in God and the principles of the Bible divinely inspired by God through man. I believe we are all responsible for our own choices and the consequences there of. I consider it my goal to help you correct and/or prevent bad choices. I am not here to judge you or make you feel judged, however, I will apply what I have learned about cause/effect of the spiritual path you've chosen to what advice I give you. I am not here just to read your lovers' mind, rather to HELP you manifest the quality of life we were all destined to achieve.. if we only make right choices..and follow the right path set out for us. On that note.. I care about each and every one of you .. but I pray daily that God only bring the clients to me that I can sincerely help .. and who are truly seeking enlightenment as opposed to having frivolous questions answered. I understand what pain a broken heart can bring.. I understand not having closure with someone you love dearly .. I understand needing to KNOW the truth in order to move forward. I am here to help you with that ... I use the tarot cards as a Divination tool .. as the prophets in the Old Testament used the Urim and Thummim and Ephod to seek Divine guidance to important questions. I have studied the Tarot for many years.. but not as long as I have studied the Bible..and strengthened my personal relationship with Christ. I do not consider myself a psychic ..rather a Helper.

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