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I look forward to forging a relationship with you and helping you guide your decisions.

◘Holistic healing, Chakra, and Ayurveda ◘Stone and Crystal reading ◘Celtic Oracle card reading ◘Dream Interpretation ◘Feng Shui ◘Name of your Guardian Angel....with book, obviously could not memorize 365 days of year ◘Kabbalistic Synopsis of your name....with book, obviously could not memorize every name powerful spiritual intuitive counseling sessions

WELCOME TO MY CHAT ROOM! My name is zennif, I am a natural born clairvoyant/clairaudient/clairsentient I look forward to forging a relationship with you and helping you guide your decisions. I offer powerful spiritual intuitive counseling sessions to help you improve your life by helping you see your own life path. I am straight forward and do not sugar coat anything so you may possibly have to take the good with the bad, or your reading may be all good. 

After a relatively short period of time on here, it has come to my attention that I am extremely good at Vedic readings or just reading on people from India. I am not sure why, it may be that I lived there in one of my many past lives. The other thing that I have noticed since I started here that I never noticed of my self before is that I tend to pick up on health issues in the person I am reading or others around them or sometimes both, these tend to be my strengths currently. 

ABOUT MY GIFTS - Clairvoyant Clairsentient Intuitive Energy Empath

◘Clarivoyance - No tools necessary 
◘Eastern and Western Astrology
◘Holistic healing, Chakra, and Ayurveda 
◘Stone and Crystal reading 
◘Celtic Oracle card reading 
◘Dream Interpretation 
◘Feng Shui 
◘Name of your Guardian Angel....with book, obviously could not memorize 365 days of year 
◘Kabbalistic Synopsis of your name....with book, obviously could not memorize every name 


Spells - Because you can not bend someone's free will. 
Curses - Because you can not hurt someone with out thier permission. 
Reading miscellaneous things - Like Chocolate, Beer, or Coffee?!?! 
Reading the thoughts of inademate objects - Because they do not have thoughts 



- Are you needing help? Short on time? I have a great opportunity to answer your question. At your leisure you can click on GET E-MAIL READING. This e-mail reading entitles you to one question with up to 2,000 characters to describe your situation and or problem. In return, I will send you a reply with a minimum of 2,000 characters. You will receive this e-mail reading within 48 hours of getting your request. 


An old soul...( I believe 3,548 years to be exact ) trapped in a young woman's body is who I am...( If you think 32 years is young ) I lived in 1536 BC—End of the First Dynasty of Babylon and the start of the Kassite Dynasty 
Seventh Generation, I found my calling early in life. 
My mother taught me to understand my psychic abilities while my grandmother guided me to interpret them. Decades of experience and knowledge, along with old Euro tarot cards are gifts left to me by them. I have traveled to many spiritual places since childhood and I have learned many spiritual things by many spiritual people . By age 13 I was taken to the Holy Lands of Quebec. I have been empathic since I was a child. I have kept my body, mind, and spirit very pure. I give the credit to my Creator for I am just the vessel. My life path is 8 the same as Nostradamus, Robert Bruce, and Edgar Cayce. If can touch one life and make it a bit more peaceful by my gifts I am honored. I have studied aspects of several religions. In my lifelong commitment to helping others, I’ve learned that there is no separation between you and the creative source of all that exists. My Psychic readings draw upon all universal knowledge, consciousness and awareness, to provide you with clear and concise information about the questions you have, your “Life path” and your higher calling. 
The Law of Attraction aids us by what we do, when you show love and joy to others, you get it back tenfold. 


I love art, am a coffee connoisseur , a wine enthusiast, a devourer of literature, and an admirer of pretty things. 
I love interior decorating, organic gardening, recycling and photography. 
I'm inspired by: 
The beauty of nature, Victorian, Art Nouveau, Baroque, Avant Garde, Art Deco, Demask, Steam punk, Boudoir. 

**TESTIMONIALS ☽ expectations were exceded. Not only was I blown away that she knew about a family member's recent passing, but she was able to pick up on exactly when and where it happened and answer questions about both my career and love life with just a 3 tarot card reading...simply amazing! I will definately come back for a private reading in the future. 
~Van3548, London, England 

Zelestial picked right up on my love situation without me giving her any information. I really enjoyed that aspect of the reading. Thank you Zelestial, I will come back and let you know if the predictions came true! 
~Sapphire456, Seattle, WA 
A wonderful experience and very acurate about past and present...excited about the future! 
~Krishna, Dubai, India 

Vanessa was great! (We share the same name!) She seems so genuine in her readings and she answered alot of my questions and helped me find direction in what I was looking for .. I would definitely recommend her! :) 
~Vdubb89, Edmonton, Canada 

What a wonderful feeling of calm. Zelestial is a most talented person. Clearly a talent in her field. Warm, sensitive and more importantly, precise and incisive. I was lucky to have her assist me, and to facilitate my process of confident decision making. Thank you so much. You are blessed. 
~me7, Rome, Italy 

One of the best readings I have had. Very honest, clear and nice. Thank you for helping me out :) 
~Lovestruck101, Colchester, UK 
Was a great reading - picked up on everything correctly.. Very comforting and great advise.. Thank you so much! 
~Harsha, San Diego, CA 

Peace Love and Light 


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