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I can give you a session rebalances energy which can in some cases give you relief, well-being, a new positive perception of your problems.

sandyflach, medium, radiéthèsiste, medium, Parapsycotherapeute, coach. para-psychologist and advice coach

Hello and welcome to my room.
I sandyflach, medium, radiéthèsiste, medium, Parapsycotherapeute, coatch ...
As a medium, I channel.
If during or after my consultation guide me convey a message I will duty to give it to you.
If you wish, we can make all updates on your spiritual advancement and find what you need to improve or work.
As a para-psychologist and advice coatch, I would bring you advice for your personal development work in this life.

For cons, I can give you a session rebalances energy which can in some cases give you relief, well-being, a new positive perception of your problems.
In any case, I can not talk about health or death.
With my help, you'll be able to give a new impetus in favor of your life with confidence.
Spontaneous, cheerful and sincere, I have the ability to provide you with the keys to the success of your personal growth.
PS: Although the energy balance can be beneficial to health, it is by no means a medical treatment.
I answer all your questions in all areas and uncompromising.
I use the tarot of marseille, the moon oracle, the oracle of tao, cartomancy and the pendulum I use alone or with boards or dials commuters.
Life is so complicated, so no need to complicate it even more ....
Of course I'm like the cobbler you deliver ideas that unfortunately - I humbly admit - I do not always apply!
But still I am far from being a saint, then .....
First of all, I propose to take "height" and consider all events as being a situation allowing all to create and grow.
Sure it may seem difficult to understand when it comes to the loss of a loved one, wars, crimes and other abominations ...
But even in these cases, I think we (or at least try to) keep a cool head and a hindsight look very "spiritual" events that occur.
This is finally a step or we are nothing,
that beings participating in a general process that we can understand with our intellect, at least for the moment and for some of us,
as other more advanced have this innate faculty of perception.
Then I propose to sneak into life, its still dominant hazards,
ie being aware that we are a part of a puzzle that has a role to play. So if a happy event occurs, we must make the "humanly"
but also seek the fallout Universal and Spiritual event.
It is even more unfortunate event .... What did I learn from this situation, or what the other has to learn in this situation ....

This decline and to position this way always with the height and without taking part, and with the idea of ​​a goal every act of life
can grow and advance other, sometimes in pain I admit, but finally,
Laws exist, and they can not be avoided. Then assimilating them to live better.
In summary, therefore, be always alert and attempt to understand life, without prejudice and with love,
Universal love that compels us to think that something greater than us and guides our course of the entire universe.
Life is a long road, a road where we learn where you fall, where one is to continue tirelessly to what is sometimes thought recklessly,
be a goal or a little happiness.
These few lines to relativize what life can teach us, unfortunately still in pain.
Can you bring to life that you read a bit of happiness, freedom and hope that you really are, maybe you want to achieve,
but that makes you so afraid to the point of not daring, sometimes to protect you.
Know that there is always a place in our hearts to live what is written elsewhere for our progress, without having to necessarily judge.
I will make a theme evenings you can choose a few days in advance what you want.
I wait for you in my free chat.
See you soon .....

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