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Yogiraj Astrologer

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I am able to help you,being as spiritually open and naturally intuitive as I am,I receive messages of unconditional love from the universe meant to be communicated to others.

naturally highly intuitive and spiritual person, Reiki Master Teacher and Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner.experienced professional interpreter


 Hello and welcome!
Thank you for visiting and checking my profile page. I would love to help you with a reading today. Please see below for reviews from people just like you who came for a reading, and also to learn more about what I can offer and how I can help you. I’m really looking forward to seeing you soon. Please see the end of this text for important information about your consultation. Wishing you blessings and peace. 


 Your positive feedback is welcomed and deeply appreciated

Here is a selection of wonderful recent reviews. 
This is a genuine psychic! So good and so worth the price. She gave so much detail. If something is bothering you take her to private, it will be worth it to spend your time with her rather than spend 19.99 on several psychics apiece and still feel unsure about your current situation. he is so humble and sweet, really nice lady. I kept saying 'you're so good at this' . Really liked this reading and the reader. - anothersoul1, Earth 

Rihal is absolutely AWESOME! She takes psychic readings to another level. Truly intuitive, directly on point and very personable. I have made a new friend and will never stray. A MUST HAVE PSYCHIC!!nymimosa1, NY 

Rihal connects very quickly and is able to read very well. She also has a special gift of healing which is truly wonderful! She's the real thing and well worth your time! - sanskaras, Seattle 

A very lovely lady with a beautiful gift. Thank you from the depths of my heart and God bless.

WOW, this has just left me speechless. Tuned into my situation very quickly and even gave descriptions of people that are involved. Such a detailed reading. This lady is an absolute must for a private reading. Will be back. - chelle54, UK 
If I could leave a 10 star rating, I would. She is completely amazing! Honest, accurate, filled with light. I have had a lot of readings and this is my top! Highly recommended. - st5sts, Los Angeles 


Who I am 

I am a naturally highly intuitive and spiritual person. I have always felt deeply connected to the unconditional love energy of the universe. I knew from a very early age that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience in this life. I am tuned into the ultimate life force that created everything in our world. 

I don’t claim to have magical or any nonsense powers of 'woo-woo'. I am a human being just like you. The reason I am able to help you, being as spiritually open and naturally intuitive as I am, I receive messages of unconditional love from the universe that meant to be communicated to others. This is why my spiritual name is 'Rihal', meaning 'grace' or 'honoured by the presence of God'. 

What I do 

I have visions, dreams, and I am guided by the universe. I see, hear, feel, and just know many things. I remember what I never knew before. It is an intuitive knowing, a type of perception that bypasses the usual sensory channels and rational intellect. I am shown angels and loved ones who have passed over into heaven. At times I may receive a revelation of past events, hidden truths; or events that may come to pass in the future. 

This gift I have to receive and pass on messages is accepted around the world and has been recognized in every culture and faith since the beginning of time. It is mostly commonly known as 'prophecy'. People like me have been called prophets, oracles, psychics, seers, mystics, clairvoyants, ministers, and healers. I believe this gift is actually the birthright of all people. 

 How this helps you 

You can ask any question you wish. I find that the universe always answers every prayer. Ask and you will receive what you need, every time. 'Will it happen?', 'Why does he do that?', 'How can I change this?' The information and messages will come through and be communicated in a truthful and healing way. The message you receive will be intended to guide, encourage, and comfort you. 

You can feel the power of receiving a message because you will likely recognise its essential truth and guidance. You may feel encouraged and comforted. Many find a new way of seeing life and understanding our experiences. It is powerful remember that you are loved, you are never really alone, and that you can have faith, joy and trust that the universe cares about what happens to you. 


 What you really purchase and why

I do not charge for readings. Your reading with me is free. I do not charge for readings because they are divinely inspired messages for you. I am merely a conduit for that message. This is my service, calling, and humble gift to you. What you pay for per minute on Oranum is in consideration for all the time, resources and energy I have spent in educating, developing and healing myself enough that I am able to be here to help you today. It is a donation which allows me to continue my spiritual work, a life-long and continuing journey. 

I am Reiki Master Teacher and Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner. I have been initiated in the ancient Incan Munay Ki rites of Peru. I have undergone an intensive ancestral clearing program originally developed in Korea. I am a student of the Arthur Findlay College. I have studied the mystical arts of tarot, astrology and numerology with world-renowned teachers. I will attend the Faculty of Astrological Studies at Oxford University in 2012. I am currently learning Spiritual Response Therapy and will soon undertake a course in the Kabbalah. 

I hold university degrees in Japanese and law. I am an experienced professional interpreter and worked for many years in the legal and finance industries. My time as an interpreter taught me how to really listen, and how to pass on messages perfectly without judging or placing a personal spin or bias on the message. In general my work has taught me how to stay grounded, protected and how to communicate effectively. 


 ☺ Please remember

✔ Please be considerate and respectful of others. Any inappropriate or antisocial behaviour will be met with a short, sharp correction! 

✔ I do not offer connections in the Free Chat. This is to protect your privacy. Any connection can be very emotional and sensitive. You deserve a safe space all my focused attention for this experience. 

✔ Please be kind enough to respect these guidelines. Thank you in advance. 


I believe passionately in my works and gifts, however in order for me to work safely online and remain available to the public, please understand that by consulting with me you accept the following terms: 

Just so we are clear

Directness: I am truthful and honest to a fault with what I see for you. I will be compassionate and kind but please be prepared that you may not hear what you hoped. Visit me when you are ready for the truth. 

Predictions: I will pass on what I believe to be a divinely inspired message for you. This may or may not include a prediction. Whether you receive a prediction depends on what I am guided is for your highest and best good. 

Personal Responsibility: If you receive a prediction, please understand this is only a general indication as to where things may be headed at the time of your reading. The future is never set in stone, but is determined by the choices we make in the present. You are responsible for your decisions and what happens in your life. 

Professional Advice: Your reading is not a substitute for or alternative to professional advice from a qualified person such as a doctor, lawyer, accountant or other professional advisor. I do not diagnose, prevent or cure any health condition, nor do I give professional advice in any form. I offer only a spiritual perspective on your life. 

Restricted Chat Questions: I am not permitted to answer questions such as whether you are pregnant or if you have a certain health condition. I cannot offer securities, investing or other financial advice, so please do not ask me for the winning lottery numbers! Please do not seek to discuss death, political or religious views with me. I can only help you if you are aged 18 years or over. 

Entertainment Only: Please exercise your common sense and good judgment when seeking a reading. Psychic, intuitive and spiritual matters are not recognised scientifically. Results cannot be guaranteed and as such this is experimental only. I work with reasonable care and skill, however my services are not fit for all purposes and I make no promise of completeness, relevance or accuracy. Please view your reading as entertainment only as I do not play God. 

Looking forward to connecting privately with you. Please check my schedule for the next time I will be available and use the 'Notify Me When This Psychic Comes Online!' option. See you soon! 

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