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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Dont you worry I am here to help you, advice you, guide you and enlight you, .....I am always ready.


Dont you worry I am here to help you, advice you, guide you and enlight you, .....I am always ready......because my CLAIRVOYANCIE, CLAIRSENTIENCE, CLAIRCOGNIZANCE and my CLAIRAUDIENCE are with me like my shadow....sticked to me, all day and all night since I was born. 

If you happen to have a long chain of bad luck ....I am here to delete, to erase it and clean your AURA, SOUL BODY as weel as your life...I will also balance your senses and your life. 

Since I was 3 years old I started having a bond with The Virgin, The Goddess and back in 1998, on the Guadalupe Virgin Day , yes December 12th the Virgin of Guadalupe day she started showing herself in the cups that I use during my coffee and chocolate readings is so lovely plus, I feel so honored. 

I can tutor-teach different divination methods such as TAROT, COFFEE READING, CHOCOLATE READING, AURA 
READINGS I have a lot of patience and really know how to show, to project my knowledge due that I have been a Teacher-Professor for the last 38 years. 

I come from a long line of Psychics, Shamans, Healers,, Witches, Warlocks and Gifted people.....I am a mixed races lady ( Russian, Spaniard, Italian, Portuguese and Irish ) raised in both Wicca and Catholicism.......also Rosacrucian..... Paganism was before Chrisitanity , Natural healing was before medicine so, since I was a little girl I learned about healing, about magic, about Mother Earth and her Twin Sister Mother Nature powers ....I am a Wiccan Priestess and yes, I can see, feel, smell and hear what others just cant. I can read perfectly TAROT ( I have about 70 different sets ) CHOCOLATE, COFFEE , TEA LEAVES, WATER, RADISHES, VIKING RUNES, AZTEC TAROT AND ORACLES. MAYAN ORACLE,S AND TAROT, SPANIARD CARDS, KARMA CARDS, PENDULUM, QUARTZ, EGGS, THE I CHING.... AND YES, CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM . 

Ancestral Magic and Healing Aztec, Mayan, Toltec, Baja tribes, Cuca pais, Kiliwas, Pericues, etc., I studied Astrology ( Horoscopes ) because I wanted to have my class in peace and Astronomy mostly because of the Eclipses, the Moon Phases and how it has a link with us, human, tried to study medicine but, it sure wasnt me so, I jumped into Holistic, New Age, Alternative medicine such as Herbs, Aromatherapy, Hydrotherapy, Flowers therapy, Bach and Alaska Flowers, Gemstherapy , Friut therapy , Vegan therapies, Flowers Cuisine , Aphrosidiac Cuisine, etc. and a recent Diploma on Health and Medical Tourism focusing in Natural healing. 

Being a PET PSYCHIC it sure is an awesome experience because I am the channel between pets and you , I am the voice of their fears, doubts, pain, joy, complaoints , premonitions and more...a PLANT PSYCHIC is an incredible experience because being able to communicate with plants and tell you what is going on while I read the leaves, dryness, colors, etc., telling you to be aware is so pure, so , earthy......a HOUSE AND BUILDING PSYCHIC it is a 
3D experience due that houses -buildings can make people sick, make people fight, separate and even die...the scents, images, noises and feelings can really advice and guide me to be able to elight you and help you......and the most lovely experience is to be a GAY PSYCHIC. ...because gay people are so blessed, having both sexes in them , having a high IQ no wonder about 90% of the best artists, scientifics, historians , etc., were and are gay. 

I am also a Cultural Anthropologist , Historian , Professor and an Artist as a Fashion Designer Ive presented different collections dedicated to : The Goddess, The Virgin Guadalupe besides others and also a 22 Hand Made Felt Hat Collection dedicated to the Tarot Mayor Arcana a Cultural Anthropologist is great because I get really envolved in different things such as Ritual food and drinks, traditions. customes ,religion and more. 

Also for the last 5 years I have been performing as a Story-Teller and Lecturer with the Legends of My City, I dont just narrate them I tell about my encounters and experiences with the ghosts.. I am working hard in a photograph project about the legends too.....and as a LEYENDS, TOMBS AND GRAVEYARDS TOUR GUIDE-PERFORMER....and 10 years on stage in THE WOMAN IN BLACK PLAY from the Book of Susan Hilll of course 
I am woman in black. 

On my Spiritual side I am an ordenained and certified Reverend this mean that I can perform Marriages, Baptisms, Presentation of Children, Renewal of Marriages, Love Vows , Love Affirmations and Funeral Rites.and a certified tarotist besides others. 

My motto is Quality not quantity ! 

Allow me to guide you thru this journey full of pain. tears and rocks but, also love. peace, joy and happiness. 

Love,Light and Blessings 
Northern America ! 

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