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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Global Presence have vast collection of consultants, astrologers for providing online Psychic Reading, online Astrology reading. There are other experts who are Doctors, Surgeons, Dentists, Financial management experts, Psychologist, Therapist, Dating Experts, Computer and IT Experts. We also have free Online consultants who given you free advice regarding your problems. We have experts from United States (US), USA, UK, Canada, India, Los Angeles, California psychic experts which given you free psychics readings, free astrology readings, absolute free tarot readings, free health and fitness advice, spell casting expert, love spell, live hardware computer experts. You can find your choice expert from our free online consultants portal. Our online consultants given you all answer to your questions. Also our online free psychic readers are dedicated to improving the lives of worldwide psychic clients. Other online experts who are available at come from Toronto psychic experts, Melbourne psychics expert, Sydney online readers, New York free psychic reader, Brentford free readers psychic, Los Angeles , Chicago, Atlanta, New Zealand, Miami, Australia psychics experts given you best and honest psychic and love and relationship readings also free. Also our experts given you free advice related to birthstones by month , birthstones chart, Birthstones & Gemstones by colors , Online psychic reading, Online Psychic Network, psychic, spirituality, apsr, astrology, clairvoyant, love, medium, paranormal, psychic reading,relationship,rituals,spells,spiritual guidance,tarot, psychic, online reading, boyfriend, girlfriend, cheat, mediumship, reiki, energy healing, spiritual coaching, spirituality, occult, psychic medium, Online Psychic Reading, Live Psychic Chat at the Online Psychic Network, Get an accurate Psychic Reading from a live, online Psychic. Free until you are ready. Online psychic love readings, tarot reading, clairvoyant, via online chat at the Online Psychic Network


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Anything you want to know i can answer. I'll be honest and straight forward to get the best out of a reading.


Top partnership for relationships and spiritual advice. I am psychic counselors and healers who specialize in healing the spirit. I bring a unique blend of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and Theurgy. Our goal is to provide answers and support during the process of releasing blockages keeping you from achieving the kind of life that's rightfully yours. 

Some of these blockages may be at the aura and chakra levels (abuse/disease), the mind level (certain forms of mental illness/addictions/bad habits), or as deeply rooted as the spirit / soul level (hexes / spells / karmic debts / guilt / fear / phobias) 

We know and understand why people seek psychics for answers when life seems to be closing in on them. We've been there too! 

Aura Readings – remote viewing you and your aura 
Angel Card Readings – Simple straightforward messages from our Guides 
Spirit Board Readings – From The Angels 
Past Life Readings – Accessing Akashic Records and see your soul history 
Relationship Readings – Whats going on now and in the future 
Life Direction - includes career 
Spiritual Coaching – Learn to communicate with your higher self and your spirit guide, open your gifts 
Dream Interpretations – do your dreams have deeper meanings? 

Anything you want to know we can answer. We ask only that you be honest and straightforward to get the best out of a reading. 

You can prepare a list of questions and they can be answered directly by our spirit guides. We don't know what the answers will be but they will be accurate predictions 

what are chakras: The Human Energy Field or Aura is an energetic, multi-dimensional field that surrounds penetrates, and is the human body. It has rivers of energy called meridians that nourish every organ and cell in our bodies. These rivers are supplied by seven cone shaped, spinning vortexes of energy called chakras (pronounced "Shock-ra"). These chakras, in turn, collect energy from the Universal Energy Field that is all around us. There are 7 of them from the root chakra at the base of our spine rising up to the crown chakra. 
when chakras are balanced and energy is flowing freely, a sense of physical, mental and spiritual well-being is achieved. 

What is the cause of blocked Chakras? 
Chakras can become blocked through an emotional upset, such as conflict, loss, or accident. Fear, anxiety and stress are common causes of chakra malfunction. When blocks accumulate in the field, a disruption in the flow of energy through the Chakras result. It is these blocks that disrupt the Harmony in the field and eventually are the cause of disease, as well as, emotional and mental disorders in the physical body. 

There are several ways to restore and cleanse the chakras. Through the ancient art of Reiki or through spirit driven resonance healing (crystal wave therapy) 


Aura Reading 
I can sense and see aura colours giving me an insight into your character and personality. I also get pictures and images from my guide to help see you and your situation clearly. 
Mind Whispering 
An old American Indian technique through which a suggestion is whispered deep into the subconscious, the mind does the rest. Similar to subliminal messages, it's a correction of the neuronet pathways (look up Neuroplasticity). This technique works best to remove addictions or lose weight. 

Aura Readings and Energy Reading 
Seeing elements of your aura and energy. Accurate descriptions of what you are feeling or doing. Key elements of your life come out this way. 

Is a woman gifted with an array of abilities. From an early age she has seen, heard, and been surrounded by spirits, angels and others. She possesses the full range of psychic gifts including Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, mediumship, Tantric healer, Spiritual Healer, Spiritual Guider, Astral Projection, Animal communication, and more. 

Having issues with dysfunction in your relationship? Problems with incompatibility? Lost the sexual energy you still desire. A very special process can help you regain your sexual balance and harmony with your partner. 

Seeing, sensing and feeling the needs of your animal(s) is a specialty. Find out why your pet behaves like he/she does! You would be amazed why they do what they do. 

help with knowing your spiritual gifts and improving them is at hand. You will be guided through your spiritual development. If you are gifted and have reached a plateau in your development there will be a reason why. Unblock your path to advancement by finding out the reasons why you can't progress. 

visions of what is around you. This comes at random during most readings. 


The Table we use is commonly referred to as a psychic circle (ours is a handmade archangel board). It is a tool used to contact the spirit world. This Psychic circle is opened and closed properly and correctly providing protection for the users and enhances the contact with the spirit world when opened. We do not allow any spirits through instead allowing information to pass through our own spirit guides. This is similar to “texting” and receiving messages when switched on to make a comparison with a mobile phone. The earliest references I have found date back to the Tang Dynasty of China 650-700ad (still commonly used in China), Ancient greeks over 2000 years ago (Aristotle, Pythagoras, Plato) Ancient Romans 300-400AD (Julian Caesar) and the ancient Egyptians 3500 BC (pharoahs) and even Albert Einstein more recently. 

Everybody has psychic gifts and we can help you develop yours 

Our spirit guides provide answers to your questions and questions we pose on your behalf. They answer questions in a variety of ways for your benefit. Our main spirit guides are (Jason) William, and (Miggin) Albert, Daphne, Many Horses, Greyhawk, Paqua, Angelique, Teddy, Kersheem. 
We thank our guides on a daily basis for their help and assistance. Everyone has spirit guides. If you don't know who they are then find out and we will show you how to communicate with them and honour the help they provide day after day. 

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