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Much energy is transformed around me and it's time to jump into the adventure. I am pleased to join you.

Astrology, psychic reader, horoscope, tarot reader

Hello to All,

I saw one on the road for 2 years who wishes to become a torch to develop the divine spark for those who want to help others find a balance harmony with life through astrology ... mainly.
Otherwise very sporty. I practice Kung-Fu and tennis 
Optimistic and jovial as Jupiter and yes ascendant Sagittarius Neptune spouse with AS Pluto Midheaven sky and March Leo Moon in Pisces and water grand trine in my theme .. . items my Fire (intuition) and the water felt feelings ... also sensitive to clock 2 years and I also directs the oracle with the triad of issues for the tarot but I also feel a less. I sometimes use cards as minors.

I am available in the evenings mostly and sometimes the weekend.
Much energy is transformed around me and it's time to jump into the adventure

I am pleased to join you ;-)



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