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Yogiraj Astrologer

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I provide a unique, original method of communicating to you the essence of your placement within the zodiac how best to.....

Professional career consultation

My professional career has been that of service, transporting well over 30,000 people from all over the world, via ground transportation. (charter bus, limousine, taxi, emergency response, etc...). Having had the opportunity to communicate with so many unique individuals, personal growth and development were the topics of most interest with these people. On many occasions my passengers would have a minimum of an hour to converse together and collectively with me. Often they would ask if I had gone to university, as they said my communication and intellectual skills were impressive. They always felt empowered and entertained after meeting and talking with me, It was a common occurrence for them to remark "why aren't you speaking or teaching for a living?". I would respond with a smile, I'm getting paid to talk with you, I'm driving for free, this is the means to meet you. 

I've received a new intention that has given my soul impetus for expansion, allowing for awareness to shine its love on all that is share this powerful identity with others for the benefit of their happiness. I have spent the past several months receiving guidance from a man of great spiritual fortitude, sharing with him deep concepts of "who am I , where did I come from, why am I here and where am I going?". I am blessed to know this man, for he has been a student of Gandhi himself, living and learning at his Ashram in India. This man has also had the insight of Mother Theresa as he also spent time with her. Having been steeped in this enlightening experience and continuing to expand on those questions, I have an ever growing inspiration to be an instrument of teaching important spiritual values to the souls that want assistance in there own unique awareness of "who am I, where did I come from, why am I here and where am I going?" The ability to see this in myself has given me the insight to assist others in their seeking of self identity. The resonance of awakening becomes a catalyst for the Universe to assist in the guidance of our soul development. 

It is my intention and pleasure to assist in your healing from past experiences that have caused uncertainty and pain. Through my abilities to quickly comprehend the distorted realities that have caused suffering., I provide a unique and original method of communicating to you the essence of your placement within the zodiac, how best to expand on your natural talents and offer you an honest and practical outlook. This method encompasses a wide range of situations, as not everyone is in a state of anguish. Many people want to know what there future holds for them, or perhaps they would like to know more about themselves or others. Using astrology as a template, then receiving astral intuition and insight as to what questions you have asked, an answer emerges from within, is produced efficiently and in a meaningful way that can easily be recognized and utilized. We have only "the now" to live our lives and that will never change for us, bringing "now" to the forefront of our conscious is what life "is". Encouragement of your awareness, creates a vibration within us that matches the "being" aspect of living.

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