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Spiritual Ash

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Psychic Reading


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My Clairvoyance will show you, with clear Psychic insight, the path that you have been walking and the opportunities that it will present to you in the future.

Successful teacher, reader & coach in all spiritual areas. head of psychic, writer, tarot courses and several years of professional readings My Clairvoyance will show you, with clear Psychic insight, the path that you have been walking and the opportunities that it will present to you in the future.


Hi, my name is Ash. I am Clairvoyant (I see), Clairsentient (I feel) Clairaudient (I hear), Empathic (I feel others) Medium (I communicate with spirit)

My purpose is to serve you to the best of my ability. With the help of my guides I will tell you what I hear, feel and see. I am strongly connected. I will bring you the truth! I will tell you exactly what I am receiving. I will not hold back! I am quick and direct.

I have the ability to do all kinds of readings. I have studied many techniques: Tarot, Akashic Records, Chakra, Crystal Gazing, Channeling, Numerology, and Karma. The list is long. I do not need any of these tools to do a reading I just enjoy learning. I find it fascinating!

Through the strength and wisdom of my beloved Spirit Guide, I am able to channel, to feel your powerful energy, thus allowing me to connect to your spirit, your angels! The path to a life filled with love, joy and happiness is within your reach! I am here to help you understand, to heal your heart, to assist you on your spiritual path. Always follow your intuition and enjoy a life that is enriched and fulfilling!

Knowing the truth can only set you free. You will get fast honest answers to all of your questions. Negativity can be lifted. Love is a constant, universal, dynamic energy flowing into and through you at all times. Miracles are for those that Believe.

I am also a certified healer. I am an advanced energy healer and have studied several healing techniques. I can assist anyone with their healing process. I have had the amazing opportunity to work with great masters. I am very lucky to be able to share these wonderful abilities with you. I calls myself “The Messenger” because the information coming to me is not of my own creation. I relays messages from Spirit Guides to provide you with Divine Guidance and insight in all areas of your life by using several methods including Clairvoyance, Empathy, Automatic Writing, Remote Viewing and Intuition.

My passion is to help you on your journey. Whatever your questions may be: Love, Relationships, Health, Financial or Career. Whatever the struggle is I can help you with insight so you can move forward in your life. I am grateful for anyone who takes the time to read my words. I am in gratitude for anyone that seeks my assistance with their journey. I treat each reading as a sacred time. I honor each person that crosses my path.




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