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I give honest and Accurate Psychic Picture Readings I pick up on Past,Present and Future.I am compassionate and understanding and will help any way i can

Natural Born Psychic with the gift of Clairvoyance and Empathy. Faith Healer--- renewing faith in love and life.


I am a Natural Christian Medium. Professing my faith by salvation in Jesus Christ. Blessed with gifts to commune within the Holy Spirit, within all order of Angelic realms; Relaying messages, counsel, prophecies and healing of any sort. My other gifts are gifts of viewing & interpreting akashic records, dreams, and spiritual healing.

Though my gifts stem from a long line of Celtic shamans & healers, I make sure that the messages I receive are genuine and not deceptive with Judgment is ever passed. These gifts given are to guide, empower and encourage those who seek the real answers to REAL issues.

In messages, prophecies, and to a point time-windows. My specialties since age 15 are:

* Soulmates, Relationships
* Understanding Dreams
* Akashic Records
* Spiritual Coaching & Mentoring
* Finances, Business, Career
* General Life Questions
* Counseling & Remote Viewing/Hearing
* Divine wisdom of the dynamics of timeframes & prophecies.
* Healing in the name & love of Jesus Christ in Soul Retrieval and calling upon the power of the Holy Spirit by Angelic forces and the elements.

I am detailed, fast and known to be very accurate. NOTHING is written in stone unless it is TRULY God's will; and very to the point. I've been known to be extremely accurate in what's given to me. In time frames, you will always get a specific window, depending on the situation. So it's best to listen, take notes and heed the messages so it doesn't take a dive. Please expect a real reading from a very gifted and truly blessed soul. I work without tools. I see things clearly. Tell me what you seek and i shall help you find it. I connect through your vibration, be prepared to talk and interact. I read minds, yours and those around you. I view energy and objects. Ask and ye shall receive; the higher spirits around me hear you when you speak with me and continue to work with you once our call is complete.

I'm extremely gifted with an unwavering intimate commitment to the truth as discerned through the source of all that exists or ever will, for me there is no religion higher than truth. You must listen to your heart and allow it to guide you to me or another I'm here to offer pure love. I have amazing abilities and work with gods energy; I put into words what I can and simply send the vibrations of what I cannot. My words will comfort and sooth you. My energy will course through you. You will feel lighter, brighter and infused with positive energy. I'm often referred to as a "spiritual genius" by very advanced and "famous" spiritual people.

I have been cradled by the hand of god since birth. My only faith is that when all else is lost there's only one who i will never be without; god, the source of all that exists or ever will. Commit to follow your own intuition in all you do. If you're still here it matters not what others say about me, how you feel is all that matters! Do i make you feel scared or good and comfy...only you can answer that question for yourself. It is a fact that some energies do not connect and in-fact repel. I hope you choose wisely based only on your beliefs and true feelings.

I look forward to sharing gods light with you.

Thank you for your consideration.


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