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Paul Louis

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USA Psychics


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$1.99 per minute$I do email readings based on the following; 2 questions for $25 3 questions for $30 The readings are returned as a word document and are very detailed and in depth documents.

I'm very comfortable with my Natural-born gifts as a Psychic, Medium and Intuitive. Let me use my talents with the spirit energy connection to help you!

I'm a natural born psychic and have been doing readings for family, friends and clients for over 20 years. I'm also a regular guest on CBS Radio in Detroit Michigan as a guest psychic reader answering listener questions.

 I would like to take this chance to introduce myself. My story is one that is one very different from most psychic intuitives.

   So far along this journey I have also been able to follow my dreams in many ways. Always finding a path to get things done in life and experience as much as I can. For a psychic, my background is much different than your normal intuitive. I have been a police officer, a restaurant manager, a rock band musician, an artist, a professional photographer, a father of three and a mild to excellent husband depending on the day. That is just to name a few. How is that for a wild background? This background has enlightened me in so many ways. I have always known that I was in tune with spirit energy. It just took me a few years to feel comfortable to get where I wanted to use this energy and share it with others. I attribute this feeling of being comfortable to many friends but most especially my great psychic friends Lisa J. Smith and Steve Marshall. The support of this gift I have from my family and friends his has been amazing.

   After many years and opening up my mind to all thoughts and possibilities, I decided to embrace my abilities and develop them. I did readings for clients and family for the right reasons, to help people. My heart is one of healing and help for my fellow man. These steps and progressions have led me to where I am at this point. So this is where I’m at today, I have decided to share my abilities with others and reach out to people.

   So many people ask me how I do my work and I will try and describe this the best I can. I can do readings in person, live telephone or online chat. My main source of contact is through my spirit guides and messages I get from the connection with energy. I receive messages in many ways, but most often in the form of symbols, which I define by sharing with you what they mean to me and how they can benefit you. Through these messages, you will be able to draw your own definitions and conclusions. Over the years this has been a very powerful way for me to communicate messages to clients. This method also helps me to validate my impressions and it insures that I do not filter. The only tools that I use are a pad of paper and pen to write down impressions and sketch psychic drawings. I have worked with other tools such as runes and tarot but I find that I don’t use those oracles according to the rules. These tools I have experimented with are only used to further deepen impressions for my readings. I prefer to quiet my mind, open up and receive information based on your name alone. Questions that the client and I ask during a reading are to keep my sessions guided on the correct path. Validations of spirit messages are great for me and I always love to hear them.

   I have abilities to communicate with spirits here and on the other side, meet animal guides, trance channeling and spirit art. Through my abilities I’m able to answer most all questions that you have. I want to stress that I’m at the mercy of spirit and I supply you with only the messages and impressions that I’m given. I can never force or demand anything from energy or spirit. I like to project thoughts out to the energy and wait for responses with no expectations. I always give my all to everyone I read for and nothing less than 100%.

   Thank you for reading this and I look forward to connecting with you!          Paul…

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