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the Tarot to help clients to broaden their perspective and discover solutions to their problems with clear, compassionate, and direct answers.

Spiritual consultant, the professor of Anthropology, Tarot Reading, Spell Casting, Rune Bindings, Energy Manipulation etc.

Ricky Solutions is a service dedicated to helping others with metaphysical advice, insightful problem-solving tips, magical methods for empowerment, and directing clients towards spiritual fulfillment. 

I have been writing for online publications and blogs since 2006 ranging in topics from nightclubs, pop music, love advice, self-help assistance, Wicca, and the occult. 

Devoted to the service of the Goddess since 1995, Ricky is a spiritual consultant at Points of Light, Inc. in Long Beach, CA where he consults the Tarot to help clients to broaden their perspective and discover solutions to their problems with clear, compassionate, and direct answers. 

I have faciliated study for those interested in enriching their knowledge and understanding of the Craft and its practices. In 2011, the professor of Anthropology at the University of Long Beach asked Silver to participate in the school's "Spiritual Panel" to discuss and enlighten students on the ways of Witchcraft and the power of reading the energy patterns we all create and how to proactively affect them. 

Ricky is an advanced initiate of the Hermetic Order of Occult Knowledge and Sciences, High Priest in the Tradition of Ibyria, and Magus of the Arts in the Tradition of the Vallen Woods. 

Proficient in: 
- Tarot Reading 
- Spell Casting 
- Rune Bindings (Divinatory & Spellcasting Art) 
- Energy Manipulation 
- The Conjuration & Application of Magickal 
- Fire Scrying 
- Shell Readings 
- Coconut Readings 

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