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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Expertise In:

Angels Psychic Readings


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Live Chat:

$1.99 per minute$$40 for each question.

Get your accurate outlook on life with a psychic angel reading from Zuri!

Over 12 years of experience leading psychic seminars, workshops and personal psychic reading sessions. Certified as a tarot card reader, numerologist and Reiki energy healer.

My readings are a mystical marriage between myself and your angels, spirit guides and ascended masters working in concert to deliver rich, deep messages about all areas of your life. With the guidance received from our spiritual helpers through channeling, the Tarot, crystal pendulum and numerology, a session with me will help you develop a deeper understanding of where you are in life, the patterns you create and the future possibilities for your fulfillment. My ultimate goal is to empower you to develop a stronger connection to Spirit and your own personal truths.

Please understand that being a psychic does not mean I am a mind reader so it helps if you include any background information about your situation. The more specific you can be with your question, the clearer the answer will be. Although many clients are deeply moved by my gift for mediumship, it is not an ability I can call up at will. Depending on the client, a deceased loved one may communicate a message for you through my spirit guides and angels or it may not happen at all. They manifest at their own discretion if they have a message for you. I am only a conduit for the messages that I am receiving from within you and from the spirit realm. Please only call if you are ready for the truth in whatever form it may come.

Distance Energy Healing Sessions:

Reiki is simply universal life force energy and the healer is a channel to the source of all Universal Ch'i energy. Distance healing is the technique of sending energy healing through visualization and meditation to someone not physically present. It can bring comfort and relieve emotional, physical and mental dis-stress. Reiki heals the whole person by working with all of the subtle bodies. This, in turn, can help heal emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks by increasing energy to your chakras. Although distance energy healing work is not a substitute for medical treatment, it is a wonderful compliment to therapeutic techniques that promote wellness. In a distance energy healing session, I combine Reiki with cosmic light and earth energies to send long distance healing to yourself, or to others with their permission. Each treatment feels different to everyone as the energy goes to where it is needed for healing. The degree of success depends on one's openness to the energy on both a conscious and subconscious level. Please contact me through Destle mail or through chat for a healing session.

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