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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Everyone needs help from time to time in discovering what is next in love. I can help you do that.

I have been reading professionally through in person readings,telephone, email, and chat for over 25 years.

My name is NightsEve, and I am an Empathic Tarot Reader. Despite a lifelong interest in all things mystical and supernatural, I did not "discover" my ability to interpret the Tarot until someone gave me a deck of Tarot cards at the age of 21. After spending some time studying the cards and experimenting with various spreads, I found that I had the ability to find answers to questions by using the Tarot. I began to read for family members and friends, and eventually branched out to reading in a more professional capacity. I discovered that by incorporating some astrology and numerology into the Tarot readings, I seemed to "specialize" in relationships and their special problems. This was very fitting for me, since I have a deep abiding concern and caring for people. I have a special relationship reading which gives insight into what BOTH of you are thinking and feeling regarding the relationship. I have the ability to really listen to people and connect with them solidly. I am also intuitive and empathic, which helps me to "feel" what others are going through. I will never be judgmental and your secrets are safe with me. Career paths are another area I can help to guide you. If you are thinking of making a career change, finding a new job, or just trying to decide what path you need to take, I can help. If you have met someone new, and know his/her Sun Sign, I can offer insight into your astrological compatibility. Dreams can sometimes be confusing and this is another area in which I can offer some help. Our dreams speak to us in important ways and I can help guide you in what they are trying to say to you. I believe in honesty above all other things. A reading from me will reflect this honesty, even if the information received is not pleasant. Together, we will try to find a positive resolution to your problems. Above all else, please remember that the future can be changed if you don't like it by changing your current path. I look forward to our time together.

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